Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Day at the Park

Another hot morning at a local park, but this time I had the pleasure of shooting Paul and Alexandra.

Paul is ALL BOY. This session was in honor of his third birthday. I got some shots of Paul running around the playground, playing with sidewalk chalk and eating some dirt (YUM).

It was difficult to get Paul to stay still, but I don't blame him. There was so much to do, why would he want to stop for the camera- ha ha.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

I just finished my new holiday cards. I LOVE THEM!!!! I hope you do too.

Remember, if you book your holiday session by the end of August I will waive the $25 card creation fee.

It might seem early to start planning for the holidays, but you will need to book your session in time to get your photos to give as gifts. There is not a better gift to give to someone you love than the gift of photos.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Hot Summer Session

It is HOT in Texas right now and we were definitely feeling the heat during Mackenzie's session. This was a difficult session for me because the sun was too bright and it affected the lighting. Oh well, we got some great shots anyways.

Mackenzie's Aunt Jennie is doing this session as a surprise for her sister. What a GREAT idea and there is not a better gift to give someone then the gift of pictures. I hope they will treasure these photos of Mackenzie for a long time.

Mackenzie and her Gram showed up for her session. At first, Mackenzie was a little shy, but at the end of our session, she squirted me in the face with her water bottle to "cool me down."

She was such a doll and LOVED the water. The heat was a great excuse to get these beautiful waterside shots.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Gift From Above

Yes, Yes- I know, I am biased, but I think my little girl is an angel. I have been wanting to take some beautiful outside photos of Ellie for her 9 month mark.

She was so good and happy during her session. I think she is the BEST baby I have ever photographed (just kidding).

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ol' Blue Eyes

Carson, his mom Shannon, his aunt and one of Shannon's friends all came to visit during Carson's photo session. Carson has the funniest expressions and I was so pleased that I captured his goofy, little faces. Also, Carson's eyes are TO DIE FOR!!!!

I don't know why I am so lucky, but I feel like I photograph the most beautiful children and Carson was another cutie to add to my list.

I had such a difficult time choosing some photos for my blog, so I am posting more than usual.

I hope his mom enjoys her sneak peak.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Date with Nate

OK- I have been getting a little bit behind on my blog, but the good news is, I am finished with my finals for school and have a break to get caught up. YEAH!!!!

We met Nate at the Arboretum for a session with him and his mom Jill. Because I am close friends with Jill, little Ellie tagged along.

Jill and I used to work together and we were pregnant at the same time. I enjoyed sharing my pregnacy memories with Jill and we often indulged ourselves in bad eating habits and encouraged each other for afternoon "snacks".

Nate was so good during our session, but it was apparent that he loves his mama. He kept his eyes on her and would make little noises if she strayed a little bit out of his view. Nate has such a sweet, angelic face. I got some great candid shots with him and his mom.

Nate and Ellie were exchanging goofy smiles the whole day. We will have to keep our eyes on those lovebirds.